SDH - Static Data Hosting
SDH stands for Static Data Hosting
Here you will find, what does SDH stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Static Data Hosting? Static Data Hosting can be abbreviated as SDH What does SDH stand for? SDH stands for Static Data Hosting. What does Static Data Hosting mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of SDH
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- SODEXHO Marriott Services, Inc.
- Smack Down Hotel
- Santa Rosa De Copan, Honduras
- seasonal derated hours,
View 53 other definitions of SDH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SENLL SEN Legal Ltd
- SLIPL Stem Labs India Pvt. Ltd.
- SPA Scandinavian Perspectives Ab
- SHS Springwood High School
- SVH Sacred Valley Health
- SPS Sterling Public School
- SES Sport Events Society
- SIM State of Idaho Military
- SSS Sparta Special Servicing
- SGI Safety Guys Inc
- SVHF St. Vincent Hospital Foundation
- SBL Safety Business Learning
- S4S Software 4 Specialists
- SIL Surya International Ltd
- SHA Senior Health Associates
- SWS Strip Waxing Studio
- SLSSG SLS Synergy Group
- SSI Southern Systems Inc.
- SOL Springboard Opportunities Limited
- SYC Shock Your Cocktail